This is possible with our Fast Track MBA. Lucrezia Pala, Alumna of the HR & Organization Master’s course 2016-2017 “You are exactly what I was looking for”. The admission is based on the results of the examinations. The university campus is of urban type and is located in the vicinity of Koeln. Die Cologne Business School (CBS) hat sich seit ihrer Gründung im Jahre 1993 zu einer der besten deutschen Wirtschaftshochschulen etabliert. Sa oko 1500 studenata iz 75 zemalja CBS se … You can choose between seven Bachelor and twelve different Master of Arts programs. CBS International Business School © 1993-2021 |, BM – Controlling und Finanzmanagement (B.A. Cand.merc in Strategy, Organization and Leadership, SOL Cand.merc. You are exactly what I was looking for”. International Management (CEMS MIM), the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Cologne offers national and international consecutive master's programmes in the fields of Business Administration, Economics and Social Sciences and the Cologne Rotterdam Executive MBA. Highlights. Somit bieten wir für nahezu jede Lebensphase das passende Studienangebot im Bereich der Wirtschaftswissenschaften an. International lecturers and rigid organisation enable efficient, forwardlooking studying 3/30/2020 5:00:59 AM CBS Finance & Business Club Trip to Berlin Highlights of Cologne Business School's finance and Business club trip to Berlin Cologne Business School Master of Arts in International Media and Entertainment Management. English-taught graduate programmes Study in English in Germany and focus on international markets, global management, and digitisation. Cologne Business School (CBS) An der Cologne Business School (CBS) gibt es derzeit etwa 1400 Studierende, die aus 75 verschiedenen Nationen stammen. Sie wissen bereits, was Sie studieren möchten? Exposure to top-class teaching and the operational expertise of world-renowned companies gives CEMS students a great opportunity to consolidate previous knowledge and apply newly acquired … Overviews, Schedules, Course-Catalogue, Information broschures, flyer and other documents, Created: 22. Please enter the websites of the degree courses that can be found on the right. Cologne Business School MBA Scholarships 2019/2020 for International Students Scholarships in Germany June Masters Scholarships By Ifeoma Chime Last updated May 23, 2019 Executive programmes. CBS Cologne Business School | Teaser | English Best university of applied sciences business administration master's in the German CHE ranking. Hierfür werden englisch- und deutschsprachige Bachelor- und Master-Studiengänge mit Management-Schwerpunkt sowie MBA und Executive MBA Programme angeboten. Der Cologne-Rotterdam Executive MBA schließt mit einem Doppelabschluss - der Universität zu Köln und der Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University ab. Program Details. Founded in 1993, Cologne Business School (CBS) was one of the first schoolsin Germany to introduce a Bachelor’s of Arts degree in International Business.Today CBS is rated as one of Germany’s top institutions of higher educationin the area of business studies. Hierfür bringen wir Bildung und Persönlichkeit, akademischen Anspruch und Praxisnähe sowie eine internationale Gemeinschaft und individuelle Betreuung zusammen. ), Strategisches Management und Consulting (M.A. The majority of our Master‘s programmes do not require proof of German language skills, as most programmes can be studied entirely in English or bilingually. Professional doctorate programmes. Get more information about the programmes and application requirements! Die Cologne Business School ist eine staatlich anerkannte, private Wirtschaftshochschule, die besonders für das Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre in Deutschland bekannt ist. Cologne Business School (CBS) is a private business school in Cologne, Germany established in 1993. Business Administration at the WiSo-Faculty of the University of Cologne widens your knowledge gained in your bachelor studies and makes you an expert in your respective area. August 2020, Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, Information of the WiSo Faculty Library Service regarding COVID19, Business Education and Economic Spaces (BEES), Master programmes scheduled for discontinuation, The WiSo Faculty Dean’s List – the award for excellent students, Application Procedure for Master's Programmes, Studies Examination Regulations 2007/2008, ERSP - Excellent Research Support Program, Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training in the Crafts Sector, Institute for Bank Management and Banking Law, Cologne Graduate School in Management, Economics and Social Sciences (CGS), Practical Orientation of our Study Programmes, Research transfer, start-up and innovation, Lifelong learning and scientific further education, "Niemals geht man so ganz" – Die Examensfeier der WiSo-Fakultät, Career Service of the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, Ranking overview of the University of Cologne, [This content is not available in "Englisch" yet] WiSo IT-ServicesEntwurf, Masterprogramme der WiSo-Fakultät (auf Englisch), Business School of the University of Cologne, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, German Rectors' Conference Audit Internationalization, German Rectors' Conference Communication Prize. Tuition fees (per semester) 2 Years. Wir glauben, eine akademische Ausbildung kann und sollte in diesem Sinne noch mehr leisten, als exzellente Fachkräfte hervorzubringen, die in einer sich stetig verändernden Welt erfolgreich sind. Cologne-Rotterdam Executive MBA The Cologne-Rotterdam Executive MBA is a postgraduate part-time Executive Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a dual degree. December 2016, changed: 31. Cologne Business School Programs. The Business School of the University of Cologne offers you first-class, comprehensive management development programmes at an easily accessible location right at the heart of Europe. Die Internationalität der Hochschule zeigt sich auch daran, dass sie die meisten Studienprogramme englischsprachig anbietet und weltweit rund 100 Partner-Universitäten zählt. Cologne Business School (CBS) - private profit higher education institution in Germany. This network is a global alliance of 33 leading business schools across five continents, more than 70 multinational corporations, and seven social partners that together offer the CEMS Master’s in International Management (MIM). in Business Education. 30 Apr/15 May (Winter) Free . The Cologne Master in Political Science offers a research-oriented study programme with course offerings across a range of political science areas. Das Programmportfolio der CBS umfasst sämtliche Bildungsstufen – vom Bachelor bis hin zum Master of Business Administration (MBA). Get an overview of the graduate programmes offered at CBS INTEREST AREAS TEACHING LANGUAGE ALPHABETICAL ORDER Economics, Finance and AccountingAccounting, Strategy and ControlMSc in Economics and Business Administration (cand.merc. Business school rankings, including MBA, MSC, and European MBA rankings from the Financial Times. Discussion forum for postgraduate students. The Cologne Business School (CBS) is an internationally orientated, state-recognised university of applied sciences and counts as one of Germany‘s top Business Schools. Program Bachelor's Courses(english) in Cologne Business School CBS For next ages: 18+, by price 6930.00€/semester. Der berufsbegleitende Masterstudiengang ermöglicht es Ihnen, sich neben … Platz 4 im CHE. The Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBBA) has accredited all the Bachelor and Masters Programmes offered by the institute. Request a callback . This statement, that she dedicated to BBS, encapsulates Lucrezia Pala’s experience at Bologna Business School: today she’s HR Consultant for the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). Die Cologne Business School (CBS) bietet insgesamt 37 Studiengänge an. The Master Student Department at Cologne Business School on The CBS International Business School (CBS) is one of the top private business schools in Germany. ... Master … Top Rankings Studienerfolgsquote 94,8% Jetzt mehr erfahren! Since 2014, the ISM has also been represented by a campus in Cologne. The Cologne Business School (CBS) is an internationally orientated, state-recognized university of applied sciences and counts as one of Germany‘s top Business Schools. The Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBBA) has accredited all the Bachelor and Masters Programmes offered by the institute. Follow the links if you would like to learn more about each programme. Services. We also like to encourage you to read our FAQ's! This page lists these programmes. The Master in Finance expands your knowledge in the areas of taxation, financial law, accounting and rating and trains you as an expert in financial management.The program will sensitize you to current topics, enabling you to develop a comprehensive understanding of the interrelationships between markets. Die Cologne Business School (CBS) ist international ausgerichtet, staatlich anerkannt und zählt zu den deutschen Top-Wirtschafts-Fachhochschulen. Der Cologne-Rotterdam Executive MBA schließt mit einem Doppelabschluss - der Universität zu Köln und der Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University ab. Cologne Business School scholarships for international students, 2020-21. International scholarships, fellowships or grants are offered to students outside the country where the university is located. Studiengänge an der Cologne Business School. Admissions at Cologne Business School are offered in diverse academic programs both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Our faculty consists of renowned professors and experienced experts from different industries. Bei der Entscheidung für ein Studium geht es heute um so viel mehr als nur die Wahl einer geeigneten Fachrichtung. List of Graduate Programs in Cologne Business School Economics, Business, Management and Accounting. During the corona pandemic, you can reach our student advisors Kristina Behr and Leah Krug by phone at the Campus Cologne & Potsdam at +49 221 931 809 31 or at the Campus Mainz under: +49 6131 88 0 55 31, by email at [email protected] or Skype. The University of Cologne's MSc in International Management/CEMS MIM comprises a carefully designed curriculum, which combines academic theory with business practice. Duration. That is to say, how better to describe CBS than to say, “You Career, Our Mission”! Tuition fees (per semester) 2 Years. Master of Business Administration. This network is a global alliance of 33 leading business schools across 5 continents, around 70 multinational corporations and seven social partners that together offer the CEMS Master’s in International Management (MIM). Top 250 worldwide Top 15 national Culture and Environment in Africa. ), Strategic Management and Consulting (M.Sc. MBAs and business Masters courses. DeutschDeutschEnglish. We offer various programmes in English and in German as well as management seminars for individual participants and companies on the campus in Cologne. Advertise with us. Cologne Business School Master of Arts in Sustainable Tourism Management. Start your Bachelor's, Master's or MBA studies in English now! Es geht um Menschen, die den Unterschied machen und Partnerschaften, die gemeinschaftlich bewegen. For many managing positions of different industries and for certain professions in research and teaching, a master is indispensable. ), Business Psychology and Management (M.Sc. At its campuses in Cologne, Mainz and Potsdam, CBS International Business School offers a wide range of full-time and part-time study programmes at bachelor's, master's or MBA level, most of which are taught in English by international lecturers from the business … Small grants for postgraduate study. ... executive courses or Masters in business topics, help us redesign the ranking experience. Die Cologne Business School (CBS) hat sich seit ihrer Gründung im Jahre 1993 zu einer der besten deutschen Wirtschaftshochschulen etabliert. Cologne Business School Master of Arts in International Media and Entertainment Management. Die CBS International Business School ist seit 2016 Teil der Stuttgarter Klett Gruppe. Location: … Our misson”. Currently, around 350 students are studying at the campus of the Cologne University of Applied Sciences in the MediaPark, just a few minutes' walk from the Hansaring S-Bahn station. University of Cologne. Campus Köln & Potsdam:+49 (0) 221 93 18 09-31, Der Unterricht für das kommende Sommersemester 2021 und das Wintersemester 2021/2022 wird an allen Campussen unter Einhaltung von Vorsichtsmaßnahmen vor Ort sowie digital beginnen. Elle propose des formations Bachelor et Masters… Benefit from the first-class further education at the University of Cologne Business School. Held in Cologne and Barcelona on the basis of two universities: Kolnsk second business school's and the Central University of Catalonia UVic-UCC The main goal is to deepen and expand the knowledge of undergraduate students studying marketing, management, advertising and international business. Application process and the cost of tuition. Insgesamt schneidet die Uni in Rankings auch recht gut ab, z.b. The CBS International Business School (CBS) is a state-recognised, private business school which emerged in 2020 from the individual brands Cologne Business School (CBS) and European Management School (EMS). Learn about the MBA programs at CBS (Cologne) and other business schools in Germany. Cologne Business School (CBS) An der Cologne Business School (CBS) gibt es derzeit etwa 1400 Studierende, die aus 75 verschiedenen Nationen stammen. In 1993 CBS opened its door to students. 12 months. In the first two semesters of the master's programme "IB- International Business" students will attend 22 semester hours of lectures per week An 8-week internship between the second and third semester in a company in Germany or abroad is an integral part of the course Events . You can choose between the Cologne-Rotterdam Executive MBA, a Health Care Management Diploma and several management education programmes on campus (open programmes). Re: Master Cologne Business School vs. Master Zeppelin Uni Die Zeppelin University ist eine private Universität, welcher kürzlich auch das Promotionsrecht zugeteilt wurde. Website Programmes List Graduate . It offers around 10 English bachelor’s degrees and around 15 Master’s Degree in Business Psychology, Finance and Management, International Business, and International Tourism Management. change language Lerne die CBS persönlich kennen, lass dich zu unserem Studienangebot beraten und besuche uns in Köln, Mainz oder Potsdam. Program Master's program(english) in Cologne Business School CBS For next ages: 21+, by price 7530.00€/semester. in International Management and the CEMS Master's are designed to provide you with excellent academic and practical training, together with an international focus for your future career in a global business environment. CBS Cologne Business School in Cologne, one of the best private universities of applied science in Germany, puts this at the heart of its business, reflected in the slogan “Your career. ), Management von Familienunternehmen (M.A. ), Sales Management und Vertriebspsychologie (M.A. CBS International Business School Master of Science in Business Psychology & Management course fees, scholarships, eligibility, application, ranking and more.Rate your chances of admission in CBS International Business School Master of Science in Business Psychology & Management program and download course brochure. MIM programme at this school. Current note: Virtual consultations on student financing. Der Fokus der Ausbildung liegt in der Betriebswirtschaftslehre. ; CBS also offers 3 different part-time extra-occupational study programs and … Funding . International Management Fast Track MBA English. United Kingdom +44 203 936 1497. Ranks 4th among universities in Koln. Cologne Business School is in the top 13% of universities in the world, ranking 112nd in Germany and 2063rd globally. The Business School of the University of Cologne offers you first-class, comprehensive management development programmes at an easily accessible location right at the heart of Europe. Main Menu. The Cologne Business School‘s mission statement is to design the study organisation and contents of the degree courses in accordance with the students‘ employability. PERSÖNLICHE BERATUNG VEREINBAREN arrow_forward Master Programme im Überblick: check Eine breite Auswahl aktueller Masterstudiengänge check Berufsbegleitender Master in Köln, Mainz und Potsdam check Englisch- und deutschsprachige Studiengänge check Kooperation mit renommierten Partnerunternehmen The MBA Program, International Management commencing yearly at the end of August is aimed, in particular, at graduates of non-economic studies programs who wish to expand the knowledge acquired from a first degree studies or the skills attained through initial professional experience through sound, business-oriented and internationally oriented know-how. Advice . 15 Jul (Winter) Free . Dann bewerben Sie sich jetzt! ), IB – Strategic Management and Consulting (M.A. For an international career, Master’s students these days need way more than basic business knowledge. International lecturers and rigid organisation enable efficient, forwardlooking studying. Es sind 1.570 Studenten eingeschrieben. Consequently, CBS ranks among the best business schools in Germany. Masters Courses . ), IB – Digital Transformation Management (M.A. Applications are no longer being accepted for the following programmes as they are to be discontinued:Medical EconomicsM.Sc. ... University of Cologne University of Cologne Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences Students who decide in favour of a career in Management, including leadership positions in the Media / Entertainment sector, or are interested in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) or strive for a vocational future as media producers are recom . Because of this, the entire international business fraternity accepts CBS degree at one go. ), Tourism and Sustainable Management (M.A. Das belegen auch immer wieder verschiedene Rankings, wie beispielsweise das Personaler-Ranking der WirtschaftsWoche, oder das CHE Hochschulranking.Neben der staatlichen Anerkennung und der institutionellen Akkreditierung durch den Wissenschaftsrat … The Südstadt region of Cologne, wherein the business school is located, is amongst the most pleasant neighbourhoods of the city. Program Details. You’ll find more details about the programmes scheduled for discontinuation on the pages relating to the subjects concerned. Master Finance - A Feel for the Right Figures. You can choose between the Cologne-Rotterdam Executive MBA, a Health Care Management Diploma and several management education programmes on campus (open programmes). Program Details. Mon-Fri 8-17, Sat-Sun 10-16 (UK time) United Kingdom +44 203 936 1497 . It is known to be Germany’s top business school, being the first to offer internationally recognized bachelor’s degree. Der Cologne-Rotterdam Executive MBA ist ein Studium nach dem ersten akademischen Grad in Form eines berufsbegleitenden Master of Business Administration. Es sind 1.570 Studenten eingeschrieben. ), BM – Unternehmensführung und Personal (B.A. Looking to study in Europe?Founded in 1993 as a complete Business School, Cologne Business School firstly hosts over 1500 youths from 75 nations across the globe. Starte Deine Traumkarriere mit einem Masterstudium an der CBS! In questa frase, da lei dedicata a BBS, è racchiusa l’esperienza di Lucrezia Pala, oggi HR Consultant presso la United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), in Bologna Business School. ), Entrepreneurship und Innovationsmanagement (M.A. ), BM – Logistik und Supply Chain Management (B.A. Der Cologne-Rotterdam Executive MBA ist ein Studium nach dem ersten akademischen Grad in Form eines berufsbegleitenden Master of Business Administration. Executive programmes. Das belegen auch immer wieder verschiedene Rankings, wie beispielsweise das Personaler-Ranking der WirtschaftsWoche, oder das CHE Hochschulranking.Neben der staatlichen Anerkennung und der institutionellen Akkreditierung durch den Wissenschaftsrat … Lucrezia Pala, Alumna del Master in HR & Organization dell'anno 2016-2017. The University of Cologne Business School offers innovative and high-quality executive education since 2015, including an Executive MBA programme as well as … Die Cologne Business School ist eine staatlich anerkannte, private Wirtschaftshochschule, die besonders für das Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre in Deutschland bekannt ist. In 6 Fachbereichen werden 23 verschiedene Studiengänge angeboten, davon einige auf Englisch. L'école de commerce Cologne Business School viendra bientôt agrandir le cercle déjà très ouvert, des partenaires internationaux de l'ISG. Founded in 1993, Cologne Business School (CBS) was one of the first schoolsin Germany to introduce a Bachelor’s of Arts degree in International Business.Today CBS is rated as one of Germany’s top institutions of higher educationin the area of business studies. The Cologne Business School is also accredited by German Wissenschaftsrat Institutional Accreditation in the year 2015. Well, that is the Cologne Business School slogan for business fraternity. The Cologne Business School (CBS) is an internationally orientated, state-recognized university of applied sciences and counts as one of Germany‘s top Business Schools. Durch unser Netzwerk aus Partnerunternehmen und unsere enge Verbindung zur Wirtschaft kannst du schon während des Studiums praktische Erfahrungen sammeln und wertvolle Kontakte knüpfen. Master of Arts. L'EM Normandie est une Grande Ecole de Commerce et de Management basée à Caen, Le Havre, Paris, Oxford et Dublin. )By working with measurements of cost, performance and risk, you will Signup for newsletter. Es geht um den nächsten bewussten Schritt in ein selbstbestimmtes Leben. PhD and postdoctoral jobs. The University of Cologne's M.Sc. Die Cologne Business School GmbH (CBS) ist eine staatlich anerkannte, private Wirtschaftshochschule, auch Business School genannt, in Köln. Cologne Business School is widely popular because of its state-accredited and independently audited degree program. Weitere Informationen zu den Semesterterminen finden Sie. This form of study is interesting for everybody who on the one hand wishes to learn the typical economics contents of an MBA programme but on the other hand is prepared to do without the extra offers of our classical MBA programmes. Further information on how to apply is available here: Application. Des Weiteren gibt es noch einen Standort in Mainz mit dem Studienzentrum EMS. Acquire your MBA title at Cologne Business School in just one year! Cologne Business School je jedna od prvih institucija u Nemačkoj koja je uvela programe na engleskom jeziku.
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