Check out our selection of high-quality DEUTZ products. The Annual General Meeting will take place in the offices of the Company in Cologne, at Ottostrasse 1, 51149 Cologne (Porz-Eil), attended by the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and the Chairman of the Board of Management and other members of the Supervisory Board and of the Board of Management, the proxies nominated by the Company and the notary charged with taking the minutes of the Annual General Meeting. Head, Global Sourcing and Forward Sourcing Office- INDIA, DEUTZ AG at DEUTZ AG, Germany Bangalore Urban. Report this profile; About. China; CONEXPO 2020; Sustainability; E-DEUTZ; DEUTZ-Service; Corona; News-Ticker; TORQEEDO; Customer Magazine Archive. of Vienna-based Pro Motor Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH. The Company was previously aiming for an increase in revenue to ?2 billion, along with an EBIT margin before exceptional items of 7 to 8 percent for 2022. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. Torqeedo – Electric Drive System for Boats, Find your local DEUTZ sales and service partner, Board of Management and Supervisory Board, Profile of skills and expertise and diversity concept Supervisory Board, Interview with Dr. Günther Schuh - a pioneer of e-mobilty, Powerful performance with natural gas engines, Form for instructions to proxies nominated by the Company (PDF), Changes to instructions for the proxies nominated by the Company (PDF). We are therefore asking shareholders this year to take special note of the information below concerning registration for the Annual General Meeting, the exercising of voting rights, and other shareholder rights. DEUTZWORLD 3 / 2019. … Pankaj Malik. A specific proof of shareholding issued by the custodian in text form (as defined in section 126b of the German Civil Code (BGB)) in German or English will suffice as proof of entitlement. In the middle of the 1870s, it was suggested that he transfer to the company's St. Petersburg factory to reduce his influence. Even in the Coronavirus crisis. Confirmation of registration together with the Annual General Meeting login details required for the use of the InvestorPortal will be sent to shareholders by post once they have registered. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. Walk in our branches or visit our ATMs to avail various services. DEUTZ AG has today adjusted its existing outlook for 2022. We would ask shareholders to register and send in the proof as soon as possible so that they receive the Annual General Meeting login details in good time. DGAP-News: DEUTZ AG / Key word(s): 9 Month figures/Miscellaneous10.11.2020 / 07:30 The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.- Significant improvement in operating profit in the third quarter of 2020 compared with the previous quarter- Successful introduction of Transform for Growth with expected cost savings of around €100 million from 2022 - restructuring … Income statement (EUR) Year on year DEUTZ AG had net income fall -25.18% from 69.90m to 52.30m despite revenues that grew 3.49% from 1.78bn to 1.84bn over the same period. Nine-Months 2020 Results . Here you will find information on the current topics, products and services of DEUTZ AG, which can be used directly for editorial purposes. DEUTZ AG. We appreciate your interest in our company. Crisis situations demand decision-making. October 1, 2020 Mike Osenga Deutz AG, Deutz Austria GmbH, Motorcenter Austria GmbH, Pro Motor Servis CZ s.r.o. The subsidiaries sell and service diesel engines in Austria, Slovakia, … Sales 2020: 1 264 M 1 544 M 1 544 M: Net income 2020-109 M-133 M-133 M: Net Debt 2020: 93,2 M … In order for shareholders to follow the webcast of the virtual Annual General Meeting via the InvestorPortal and exercise additional shareholder rights, they must have registered in time and submitted proof of their shareholding to the Company. Click here to view our branch and ATM locations. However, it also showed us our strengths, because in this crisis we recognised how important it is to tackle the challenges together and look ahead. Holding the 2020 Annual General Meeting as a virtual Annual General Meeting in accordance with the COVID-19 Act requires modifications to the procedures of the Annual General Meeting and to the rights of the shareholders. A comprehensive programme of... What began at the end of November 2019 with the report of a new type of lung disease in China, developed within a very short time into a pandemic that forced the whole world to... DEUTZ subsidiary Torqeedo, global market leader for electric mobility on water, is restructuring its management. Formal adoption by the Annual General Meeting is therefore not required, i.e. German diesel engine manufacturer Deutz AG on Monday warned its business would fall in 2020 due to a slump in demand for engines, and said the spread of the coronavirus may impact its supply chain. DGAP-Ad-hoc: DEUTZ AG / Key word(s): AGM/EGM/Miscellaneous DEUTZ AG: DEUTZ proposes suspending its dividend payment for 2019 - Annual General Meeting will now take place as a virtual event on June 25, 2020 04-May-2020 / 12:50 CET/CEST Disclosure of an inside information acc. that DEUTZ is on the move – and will continue to do so. DEUTZ AG Europe, America DEUTZ to present all-electric 360 volt drive system at CONEXPO 2020 in Las Vegas You will see that DEUTZ is on the move – and will continue to do so. Deutz AG has acquired the subsidiaries Deutz Austria GmbH, Motorcenter Austria GmbH, and Pro Motor Servis CZ s.r.o. The most important construction machinery trade fair on the American continent and the world's third largest... Sustainability is the current hot topic. DEUTZ Media . Durai Murugan Umapathy. The InvestorPortal can be accessed here. Despite the most vigorous oversight, no guarantee can be made as to the completeness, accuracy or currency of the information. Q1 - Q3 2020 Results . Send us an e-mail at: Go to … Twitter. Explore our tools. Data delayed at least 15 minutes, as of Dec 30 2020 13:05 GMT. 3 Mar 2020 DEUTZ AG: DEUTZ achieves targets for revenue and EBIT margin for 2019 - medium-term targets for 2022 confirmed ; 7 Nov 2019 DEUTZ AG: DEUTZ records growth in revenue and earnings; 9 Oct 2019 DEUTZ AG: DEUTZ acquires battery specialist Futavis; 1 Aug 2019 DEUTZ AG: DEUTZ records growth in revenue and earnings in the first half of 2019 and confirms its full-year guidance ; See all → … CONEXPO 2020 . STRONG IN CHINA. Their new assembly plant in the province of Hunan, is set to churn out around 75,000 new high-performance engines with highest emission standards by 2022. Joint Venture in China: DEUTZ and SANY Lay Foundation for Assembly Plant China’s largest construction equipment manufacturer, SANY, relies on engine know-how from Cologne. Welcome to the DEUTZ Media Zone. Successfully Lead substitution projects for Global Multinational Automotive Groups – Bosch GmbH, Siemens AG and DEUTZ AG Key Member of the Top management Restructure Team. The virtual Annual General Meeting 2020 of DEUTZ AG took place on Thursday, 25 June 2020. Parliament has however explicitly allowed proxies nominated by the Company to attend in person as representatives of the shareholders. 928 Mio € Engine Sales . Head, Global Sourcing and Forward Sourcing Office- INDIA, DEUTZ AG at DEUTZ AG, Germany Bengaluru, Karnataka, India 74 connections. More news: Financials . Alerts. Pankaj Malik PLant Head at CTS India West Delhi. 108559 . DEUTZ’s engine business shows first signs of recovery in the third quarter. 2020: DEUTZ AG: DZ Bank reiterates its Buy rating: MD. DEUTZ AG has taken the greatest care in compiling the information on this website. Suggested Comparisons. To access the InvestorPortal, shareholders or their authorized representatives need the individual login details sent out with the confirmation of registration. Paul Moore caught up with Shane Nugent, Business Development Manager: Mining, Construction, Rental & GSE at Deutz Corporation Americas, to get … The virtual Annual General Meeting 2020 of DEUTZ AG took place on Thursday, 25 June 2020. Last update: 01.10.2020 DTCList_MD1_DOC_DPF_DE_EN.pdf This DTC list can be used for MD1 software revisions till revision number "ST5_V662a_X8d". Dr Hoenle AG; KSB SE & Co KgaA; LPKF Laser & Electronics AG; Koenig & Bauer AG; SUESS MicroTec SE; PVA TePla AG; WashTec AG; Renk AG; PNE AG; ABO Wind AG; Save Clear. The technical director, Gottlieb Daimler, was eager to produce automobiles. Data as of Dec 30 2020. In accordance with section 1 (1) and (2) of the Act Concerning Measures Under the Laws relating to Companies, Cooperative Societies, Associations, Foundations and Commonhold Property to Combat the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic (COVID-19 Act), the Board of Management has decided, with the consent of the Supervisory Board, that this year’s Annual General Meeting will be held as a virtual Annual General Meeting without the physical presence of the shareholders or their authorized represent-atives. On March 5, 2020, the annual and consolidated financial statements prepared by the Board of Management were approved by the Supervisory Board in accordance with sections 171 and 172 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG), and the annual financial statements were thereby formally adopted. DEUTZ AG: Significant decline in business performance in the first half of 2020 due to the coronavirus crisis. Even in the Coronavirus crisis. Sharp decline in sales figures as a result of the coronavirus crisis. More 1D; 1W; 1M; 6M; 1Y; 3Y; 5Y; Apply Cancel Comparisons. No resolutions will be adopted in respect of agenda item 1. DEUTZ AG makes every effort to update this information on a constant basis. An audio and video webcast of the entire Annual General Meeting will be streamed on the internet, shareholders will be permitted to exercise their voting rights via electronic communication (electronic postal vote) and by authorizing proxies, shareholders will be given the opportunity to ask questions by means of electronic communication in advance of the virtual Annual General Meeting and shareholders who have exercised their voting rights can raise objections to resolutions of the Annual General Meeting by means of electronic communication. Shareholders or their authorized representatives as defined by section 118 (1) sentence 2 cannot participate electronically in the meeting. Data archive. 0:22. The InvestorPortal can be accessed here. Shareholders or their authorized representatives can exercise voting rights exclusively by means of electronic communication (electronic postal vote) or by granting authority to the proxies nominated by the Company. DGAP Voting Rights Announcement: DEUTZ AG DEUTZ AG: Release according to Article 40, Section 1 of the WpHG [the German Securities Trading Act] with the objective of Europe-wide distribution 26.11.2020 / 16:29 Dissemination of a Voting Rights Announcement transmitted by DGAP - a service of EQS Group AG. New DEUTZ Power Center in Florida DEUTZ has chosen a location in Jacksonville for its newest DEUTZ Power Center. Founded in 1864, Deutz AG is the world's first engine company. In the current edition of our customer magazine, we have summarised the most important events of the last few months. Industry Notes . 0 of 3 selected. to Article 17 MAR of the Regulation (EU) No 596/2014, transmitted by DGAP - a service of EQS Group AG. He resigned, taking Wilhelm Maybachwit… as at 00.00 hours (CEST) on June 4, 2020 (the proof of entitlement reference date). Join to Connect. To access the InvestorPortal, shareholders or their authorized representatives need the individual login details sent out with the confirmation of registration. Employees Number . Q1 - Q3 Results . We would like to inform you all about DEUTZ. Equities screener. To register a complaint click here. CE_Slide2. DEUTZ AG / Key word(s): Change in Forecast DEUTZ AG: DEUTZ postpones its medium-term targets from 2022 to 2023/2024 23-Nov-2020 / 18:49 CET/CEST Disclosure of an inside information acc. Customer Magazine 2020. Like so many other companies, the coronavirus crisis has presented us with major challenges. Today, Deutz is still one of the world's leading independent engine manufacturers. 2020: DEUTZ AG: Release according to Article 40, Section 1 of the WpHG [the German Se.. EQ. Learn more . August 11, 2020. Dr. Frank Hiller, CEO, and Dr. Andreas … China; CONEXPO 2020; Sustainability; E-DEUTZ; DEUTZ-Service; Corona; News-Ticker; TORQEEDO; Customer Magazine Archive. In the future, Dr Ralf Plieninger and Dr Michael Rummel will handle... Torqeedo – Electric Drive System for Boats, Find your local DEUTZ sales and service partner, Board of Management and Supervisory Board, Profile of skills and expertise and diversity concept Supervisory Board, Interview with Dr. Günther Schuh - a pioneer of e-mobilty, Powerful performance with natural gas engines. The company was founded by Nicolaus Otto on 31 March 1864, as N. A. Otto & Cie. Otto was the inventor of the four-stroke internal combustion engine. To send us your compliments click here. Linkedin. 2020: DEUTZ AG: Warburg Research remains its Buy rating: MD. The company is continuing to forge ahead with the implementation of its growth... Every three years, gambling metropolis Las Vegas hosts the CONEXPO. Notification of the convocation of the Annual General Meeting in the Electronic Federal Gazette (PDF - German language), Notice of the Annual General Meeting taking place on 25 june 2020 (PDF). 2020: DEUTZ AG: Hauck & Aufhauser keeps its Buy rating: MD. DEUTZ_2020-03-02_Press_Release DEUTZ_2020-03-10_Pressemitteilung DEUTZ_ConExpo_Press_Conference_2020 DOWNLOAD THE FULL CONEXPO SHOW. Indian Institute of Science. DEUTZWORLD 1 / 2020. View all financials. DEUTZWORLD 3 / 2019. DEUTZ AG c/o Deutsche Bank AG Securities Production General Meetings Postfach 20 01 07 60605 Frankfurt am Main Germany Telefax: +49 (0)69 12 01 28 60 45 E-Mail: Every three years, gambling metropolis Las Vegas hosts the CONEXPO. WhatsApp. Registration together with proof of entitlement to attend the virtual Annual General Meeting and exercise voting rights must reach the Company at the following address in text form (as defined in section 126b BGB) in either German or English no later than 24.00 hours (CEST) on June 18, 2020. CE_Slide1. DEUTZ AG accepts no liability for the accuracy, completeness and currency of the information published on this … Would you like more information? … CE_Timelaps … … If you want to remain relevant and competitive in the future, you have to evolve continuosly - This old buisness wisdom also applies to service. This is an extremely positive message that further reinforces our actions and decisions. COLOGNE, GERMANY - EQS Newswire - 11 August 2020 - DEUTZ, a leading global manufacturer of innovative drive systems, registered a significant overall decline in business performance in the first half of 2020 as a result of the coronavirus crisis.Demand slumped due to customers continuing to sell the inventories of engines they had built up before new emissions standards came into force, which had … The Company also intends, around one week prior to the date of the virtual Annual General Meeting, to publish a draft copy of the CEO’s speech in the version available at that time on the InvestorPortal in order to give the shareholders an opportunity to ask questions about it. 4575 . Sales Number . DEUTZWORLD 1 / 2020. No shareholders or other shareholder representatives are permitted to attend the virtual Annual General Meeting in person. 0:15. They offer a broad spectrum of liquid-cooled and air-cooled engines with capacities ranging from 25 kW to 520 kW, which are used in construction equipment, agricultural machinery, commercial vehicles, aviation and ships. Editorial; News; New joint venture in China; Innovation award; Interview with Dr. Günther Schuh - a pioneer of e-mobilty; Integration of electric drives; New technologies are the key; Global emissions ; Electric … Branch. Send email to … The company is continuing to forge ahead with the implementation of its growth... Find out more . At the present time, DEUTZ believes that these targets will not be reached until 2023/2024. DOWNLOAD CENTER PRESS. Information on shareholders’ rights (PDF). Awareness of sustainability has also become a key focus of corporations. DEUTZ AG, DE0006305006 DEUTZ AG, DE0006305006 14.07.2020 - 13:46:49. DEUTZ-Investor Relations . In the period under review, the … DGAP-Adhoc: DEUTZ AG: DEUTZ postpones its medium-term targets from 2022 to 2023/2024 Nov 23, 2020 DGAP-News: DEUTZ AG: DEUTZ's engine business shows first signs of recovery in the third quarter In the early years, he and his partner, Eugen Langen, were only interested in production of stationary engines, not automobiles. Deutz has completely re-aligned its China strategy in the last years. The proof of entitlement to attend the virtual Annual General Meeting and exercise voting rights must relate to such status as at the start of the 21st day before the Annual General Meeting, i.e. Only shareholders who register with the Company prior to the Annual General Meeting and provide proof of their entitlement to attend the Annual General Meeting and exercise their voting rights will be entitled to attend the virtual Annual General Meeting and exercise their voting rights (including exercising their voting rights by means of postal vote or via an authorized representative). We are sticking firmly to our growth projects, because they are the future of our company. to Article 17 MAR of the Regulation (EU) No 596/2014, transmitted by DGAP - a service of EQS Group AG. • Track your Loan Application Status • Loan Interest Certificate … Further, the report aims to provide insights into how COVID-19 has impacted the Off Highway Vehicle Engine Marketand the resulting changes in market dynamics, trends and future outlook during the forecast period from 2020 to 2028. global Off Highway Vehicle Engine market generated $xx.xx billion in 2016, and is estimated to reach $xx.xx billion by 2023, registering a CAGR of x.xx% …
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