Battle of Mang Yang Pass - Ambushes Ambushes On June 24, 1954, G.M. District. Now it was the 108th Regiment poised to strike the column. From the top of the mountain overlooking the pass, we could look north to see the rows-and-centers grave sites of the French Foreign Legion soldiers that were buried there. This page was last edited on 30 July 2020, at 21:36 (UTC). Three hours out of coastal Qui Nhon, the vehicles pulled into Mang Yang pass—favorite ambush point for the Viet Cong on the 100-mile highway to Pleiku. Ambushes. Just right for my mindset, thank you. Hightlight. Location, Mang Yang Pass Description: This battle began when the VC ambushed and destroyed a large South Vietnamese convoy in the Mang Yang Pass. We have recently added some more pages to the III Corps and IV Corps sections. Spent time with both Charlie and Delta at LZ Schueller. The Viet Minh aggressively pursued and by the time the French survivors arrived in Pleiku 50% of the force had been killed or wounded. Thanks Thomas.More is definitely coming. This flight was a low level Visual reconnaissance/Convoy Cover heading West into the Pass. As part of the general deterioration of the GVN side, MACV had decided to strengthen the security of Highway 19 by … Dec 1968. The Battle of Mang Yang Pass (also known as Battle of An Khe) was the last official battle of the First Indochina War.It remains as one of the bloodiest defeat of the French Union together with the battle of Dien Bien Phu and the retreat from Cao Bang. Today, a large monument to the Viet Minh stands at the site 15km west of Anh Khe. The Mang Yang pass was the main choke point along QL19 between Pleiku and An Khe, located about halfway, convoys had to negotiate this narrow and steep pass as they supplied the large bases in Pleiku. This time they were forced to fight a pitch battle near the town of Mang Yang at a bridge across the Dak Ya-ayun river. : Looking forward for new updates! I was never told that I had to join up with a convoy escorted by heavily armed escort vehicles. I was there at the end of your tour, working the pass daily as a “spook.” I would have been the guy in a lone ARVN marked jeep with my “yard” interpreter and dog collecting counterintelligence info for convoy security. 100 managed to break through the ambush. During 2021 we will also make sure to add article from plenty of more locations around the country as we can start travel again. I spent 3 months with Alpha Company 2nd Battalion 35th Infantry Cacti Blue. But arguably the most accurate location description would be the Battle of Dak Po. I was attached to Charlie and Delta Battery’s , 5/16th Arty, 4th ID, early April of ’69 to late March of ’70 and part of both battery’s FDC. rider was a kid named Zuber. Our team started in March 68 doing our sweeps on that ground. i only had a shotgun driver and we both carried our M16 weapons. my shotgun w When the operation into Cambodia ended, I moved over to the east side of Radcliff providing CI for base security until the 4th Infantry’s flag was lowered in Dec 1970. Possibly you were called upon to provide fire on my markers as well. Monty, thanks for sharing. At the road marker 'Kilometer 15' the column was ambushed by Viet Minh troops belonging to the 803rd Regiment and suffered heavy losses. This company was ambushed west of Mang Yang Pass and suffered several losses. Three days later on July 20, 1954, a battlefield ceasefire was announced, and on August 1, the armistice went into effect, sealing the end of the French Indochina and soon the departure of the French administration and Expeditionary Corps which was completed by 1956. Vietnamese communist forces had operated in this area during the previous decade in the First Indochina War against the French, winning a notable victory at the Battle of Mang Yang Pass in 1954. Thank you for visiting our website. I am happy you have discovered the amount of material we have on the website. : I’m impressed with your visits to hollowed grounds, gathering more memories, information and capturing nice modern photos. The French Group Mobile 100 abandoned An Khe and tried to retreat to the safe haven fortress of Pleiku. [4] The Viet Minh 96th Regiment suffered more than 100 KIAs in comparison.[3][5]. Both the An Khe and the Mang Yang passes were a series of zigzagging steep climbing turns. I was in the 4th Infantry 1969-1970 and traveled through the Mang Yang pass as we withdrew from Pleiku to An Khe. Coordinates This article about a location in Gia Lai Province, Vietnam is a stub. Again, quite a bit of history there. After the five day battle the French had only 84 men left out of the original 222 that went into this pass. Rumor Battle Pass LoL Wild Rift – Seorang data miner game LoL Wild Rift yaitu Canserole baru saja membocorkan jika game MOBA mobile tersebut akan merilis fitur battle pass di tahun 2021 mendatang. I didn’t know then about the 1954 ambush and the ghost stories. The legendary battle at LZ X-Ray took place in the remote Ia Drang valley in November 1965. I’ve rarely looked for Vietnam stuff on the internet, but just found yours. This company was ambushed west of Mang Yang Pass and suffered several losses. Then a fierce battle … This flight was a low level Visual reconnaissance/Convoy Cover heading West into the Pass. I was told there were 1800 graves, and mostly Germans, as they had joined their old enemy’s Army after WW II, having no homes or jobs to go home to. In five days of fighting, G.M. It included the elite veteran UN Bataillon de Corée who fought in the Korean War at Chipyong-ni, Wonju and Arrowhead Ridge. After the Ia Drang campaign, Hastings was badly burned when the O-1E Bird Dog spotter plane he was piloting was shot down over the Mang Yang Pass and crash-landed in the old French Group Mobile 100 cemetery beside Route 19 on Christmas Eve 1965. After the five day battle the French had only 84 men left out of the original 222 that went into this pass. The Viet Minh aggressively pursued and by the time the French survivors arrived in Pleiku 50% of the force had been killed or wounded. Best regards. Dec 1968. When the survivors finally arrived at Ban Me Thuot the following day, there were only 107 men remaining out of 452, of those 53 were wounded, in addition a further 47 vehicles were lost. 7 kilometers east of the Mang Yang Pass at the Kilometer 15 site on the 24th June 1954 the French Mobile Group 100 force were in a controlled retreat from the east highland plains from Anh Khe to the town of Pleiku. Only a few soldiers and none of their vehicles made it past here. They would also cover the pump stations for the oil pipeline that supplied Pleiku. 7 kilometers east of the Mang Yang Pass at the Kilometer 15 site on the 24th June 1954 the French Mobile Group 100 force were in a controlled retreat from the east highland plains from Anh Khe to the town of Pleiku. Rumor Battle Pass LoL Wild Rift Di Tahun 2021 There is not a monument on the site as we know of. The plane hit several tombstones and flipped over. I served in the same area spending many months at LZ Schueller. In this attack the enemy was armed with Chinese copies of the latest Soviet family of in­ fantry weapons: SKS rifle, AK assault rifle, and RPD light machine gun, as well as a copy of the new Soviet RPG-2 antitank rocket launcher. Coincidentally, it was 7 klicks east of the pass that I had my first close call. The G.M.s typically consisted of three infantry battalions with one artillery battalion, along with elements of light armor or tanks, engineer, signal and medical assets, totaling 3,000-3,500 soldiers.[4]. Many Yang pass is 22 km west of An Khe town. I hope you found it informative. Hello- just discovered your site via the Washington Post article. Mang Yang Pass was a frequent place for enemy ambushes. Here Mang Yang Pass The Battle of the Day River (French: bataille du Day ) took place between late May and early June 1951, around the Day River Delta in the Gulf of Tonkin. Anxious to avoid a second disaster like the siege at Dien Bien Phu, the French Chief of Staff ordered G.M. Anxious to avoid a second disaster like the siege at Dien Bien Phu, the French Chief of Staff ordered G.M. Primary service involved, Vietnamese Army. The battle was not yet over for now the retreat began again from the Mang Yang Pass to Pleiku. It was one of the bloodiest defeats of the French Union together with the Battle of Dien Bien Phu in 1954 and the Battle of Cao Bằng in 1950. 100 lost 85 percent of vehicles, 100 percent of artillery, 68 percent of signal equipment and 50 percent of weapons. Through the Mang Yang Pass. In the meantime I stood there not moving a muscle for the better part of two hours until the EOD team arrived and removed several dozen of those little bastard Bouncing Bettys, all of them live. The French Group Mobile 100 abandoned An Khe and tried to retreat to the safe haven fortress of Pleiku. Pleiku Province, II Corps, South Vietnam. The monument at the ambush site is on the south side of the road on the small pass. Your email address will not be published. I went through the Pass in late 1968 and remember the remains of French (Renault?) Here The Viet Minh sprung a major ambush on the French force, who for their survival fled south into the jungle. As part of the general deterioration of the GVN side, MACV had decided to strengthen the security of Highway 19 by repositioning two Montagnard CIDG camps into the area in January. 100) was a regimental task force unit of the French Far East Expeditionary Corps which was assembled as a convoy. M114 155 mm howitzer captured in 1954 in the Battle of Mang Yang Pass M1938 122mm howitzer used by People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) Brigade 52 to attack the ARVN base in Minh Long District in 1974 M1939 37mm anti-aircraft gun used by PAVN Regiment 573 it apparently shot down an A-37 in Tiên Phước District on 17 March 1975 I hope to get back there one day and spend even more time documenting more places. Also worth a short stop is the bridge over the Dak Ya ayun river just west of the Mang Yang pass. That is informative post … He joined the Blackhawks who were guarding the Mang Yang Pass. On June 29, the remains of 1st Korean Battalion was ordered to take part in Operation Forget-Me-Not to open Route Coloniale 14 between Pleiku and Ban Me Thuot which was over 96 kilometers away. Also included are a Photo of the edge of the Mang Yang Pass and the Daily Staff Journal specific to the … Along the edge of the narrow road were massive craters. The Battle of Mang Yang Pass (also known as Battle of An Khe) was the last official battle of the First Indochina War. in Mang Yang Pass. The Battle of Mang Yang Pass (also known as Battle of An Khe or Battle of Dak Po) was the last official battle of the First Indochina War. Mang Yang Pass & Pump Station 8: Map of section of Higway 19, centered on Pump Station 8 and also showing the infamous Mang Yang Pass as well as LZ Action. The Headquarters Company had only 84 men left out of an original 222. I’m glad I didn’t know about the ghosts. One Vietnamese civilian truck was between us and the rear gun truck. Ambush site is not 7 km from mang yang pass. References. Click the image below to read the story from our visit: Together with veterans, we tell the story of the Song Be City Airstrip. Thank you for your comment Tommy and for sharing some insight in to how it was to travel through this area during the war. In rows. It was a sobering experience knowing what happened to the French. I live in Saigon and sometimes take motorcycle trips to lesser known sites. All along the route they were slowed by enemy assaults. For date 650215. Our great Light Weapons Advisor Sergeant was firing his M-79 grenade launcher from the shotgun seat, across the front of the windshield, as we had a canvas top. from the pass, high-flying B-52s from Guam had blasted Mang Yang with bombs the … And yes, aware of the French Legions massacre there in ’54 and stories of ghosts that were heard throughout the pass. It ended with no friendly casualties, just some holes in the tanker gasoline truck, which the soldiers plugged with wood pegs. Other names for this event are the Battle for Mang Yang or the Battle of Anh Khe. I’ve rarely looked for Vietnam stuff on the internet, but just found this enormous site today. Attacked from all … Background The thing I remember most other than loading all the desk and chairs form our office in 4th Division headquarters was that the French (and Germans I guess) soldiers killed there were burried standing up facing France. I was with the 173rd Airborne Brigade minesweeper team. in 1970 I was assigned to the supply section of th 119th AHC. Click the image to read the article and watch the video with veterans from the battle sharing their stories. Fun times, exciting. We had our sweep every morning on Hwy 19 towered Pleiku preparing areas for the convoys to pass. Mang Yang Pass and Dak Po KM15 mark. After more than 50 years my Vietnam photos came out this month, scanned and posted on my web site You can find my Nam photos link on my bio page. Also in 1954, Dien Bien Phu fell. Too young and stupid to think how dangerous this pass was. The Battle of Mang Yang Pass is also known as the Battle of An Khe and it was a major defeat for the French by the Viet Minh. Battle of Mang Yang pass for the usual composition of a groupement mobile; Last edited on 30 July 2020, at 21:36. 19 to talk to one of my cowboy sources, I walked into a bunch of unexploded “grasshoppers.” My interpreter made it back to the highway but couldn’t operate the radio. Hi, this is steve eberhard again. Groupement Mobile No. On the south side of this road lay the rusted hulks of the French debacle of June 1954. The Battle of Mang Yang Pass (also known as Battle of An Khe) was the last official battle of the First Indochina War.It remains as one of the bloodiest defeat of the French Union together with the battle of Dien Bien Phu and the retreat from Cao Bang. VC and PAVN troops would often stage ambushes or at least place snipers that would harass the passing convoys. Mang Yang Pass and Dak Po - Km 15 mark An Khe. I made this trip on three occasions carrying aircraft parts and picking up the same. Groupement Mobile No. To clear the V.C. But there was something else. FOB #2, further from the Mang Yang Pass, received only a light probe but FOB #1 was overrun. 100) was a regimental task force unit of the French Far East Expeditionary Corps which was assembled as a convoy. A severe switchback in the An Khe pass became known as the “Devil’s Hairpin.” During one slow, hot and dusty climb up An Khe Pass, I spotted one of my men driving while … Two weeks later, they were annihilated. The Battle of Tong Pass, also known as the Battle of Weinan, was fought between the warlord Cao and a coalition of forces from Guanxi between April and November 211 in the late Eastern Han dynasty of China. 100 to abandon their isolated position in the Central Highlands. My Montagnard counterpart spoke German, as well as French, Vietnamese, and seven dialects of Montagnard, with no formal education. I was on a convoy that was moving 4th Infantry Division to An Khe in March of 1970. The 2nd Group of the 10th Colonial Artillery, reduced to fighting as infantry after the loss of all of their guns, had shrunk from 475 men to 215 men during the fighting. Impossibly green grass rippled across its face. After more than 50 years my Vietnam photos came-out this month, scanned and posted on my web site You can find my Nam photos link on my bio page. The G.M.s (Groupement Mobile) were designed as self-sustaining motorized regimental task force unit modeled after the U.S. Army’s World War II regimental combat teams. So, when you heard the 155s and 105s from Radcliff hammering the jungle near you at night, that was me working probable NVA artillery positions. Battle of Mang Yang Pass 5 years, 3 months, 2 days ago. The road is in relatively good condition and there is not too much traffic. The battle was initiated by Cao Caos western expansion, which triggered uprisings in Guanxi. Articles with unsourced statements from November 2014, Vietnam articles missing geocoordinate data, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, Battles and operations of the First Indochina War,, "Dossier" in French Marine Troops' official website, THE VALLEY OF CROSSES - French and the Mang Yang Pass, There was another Dien Bien Phu in 5th Military Region, Binh Dinh Newspaper (Có một Điện Biên Phủ ở Liên khu 5, Báo Bình Định),, Việt Minh victory; French forces managed to escape with heavy casualties, 2 battalions + 2 weapon companies of 96th Regiment, 700 troops, Korea Regiment, consisting of the 1st and 2nd Korea Battalions formed from the elite veteran UN.

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