In the early 20th century, this became a centre of the engineering and arms industries. The Mittelbau-Dora Nazi concentration camp, established in 1943 after the destruction of Peenemünde, was located on the outskirts of Nordhausen during World War II to provide labor for the Mittelwerk V-2 rocket factory in the Kohnstein. The breakthrough was reached as Nordhausen got connected to main railways in four directions between 1866 and 1869. In April 1945, most of the city was destroyed by Royal Air Force bombings, resulting in 8,800 casualties (more than 20% of the population). NNZ-Online. Quelle est la durée d'un trajet Nordhausen — Osterode am Harz Mitte en train ? He built a castle here, which is traceable between 910 and 1277 and became a centre of the empire during the 10th century. CasaSmart // Das Ferienhaus am Harz Nordhausen is situated in Nordhausen, 2.4 km from Badehaus Nordhausen baths, in an area where hiking can be enjoyed. Société de médias/d’actualités. Nordhausen is the birthplace of the famous mathematician Oswald Teichmüller, known for his groundbreaking work on the Teichmüller spaces – which were named after him. Stadtansichten Nordhausen . Avec une population d'environ 40 000 habitants, Nordhausen est la septième ville de Thuringe, après la capitale Erfurt (à 61 kilomètres au sud), Iéna, Gera, Weimar, Gotha et Eisenach. Freiwillige Feuerwehr Nordhausen-Mitte. Une ancienne ville libre d'Empire, Nordhausen est le chef-lieu de l'arrondissement de Nordhausen. 5/5 Exceptional! Boîte de nuit. Town hall, the cathedral and St. Blaise's Church were the only rebuilt historic monuments. In the 1930s the Nazi Party came to power in Germany. In December 1898 the Nordhausen-Wernigerode Railway Company (Nordhausen-Wernigeroder Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft) or NWE added a line, with the full network operating by 1899. Société de médias/d’actualités. Under the protection of Hanover, the economy improved again and the production of tobacco since mid-18th century brought new wealth to Nordhausen. ou Independent Kai Buchmann was elected in the resulting election. The most recent mayoral election was held on 10 September 2017, with a runoff held on 24 September, and the results were as follows: The most recent city council election was held on 26 May 2019, and the results were as follows: Location of Nordhausen, Thuringia within Nordhausen district, 1 December; 25,681 "native inhabitants", 3,582 "refugees with their residence in the area", 2,480 "refugees without fixed residence", Learn how and when to remove this template message, Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences, "Bevölkerung der Gemeinden, erfüllenden Gemeinden und Verwaltungsgemeinschaften in Thüringen Gebietsstand: 31.12.2019", According to Thüringer Landesamt für Statistik,,_Thuringia&oldid=997010997, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from February 2015, All articles needing additional references, Pages using infobox German location with unknown parameters, Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the Encyclopedia Americana with a Wikisource reference, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz area identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. 8,000 inhabitants during the late Middle Ages around 1500, which was the third-largest number within today's Thuringia, after Erfurt, the current capital and Mühlhausen. The reconstruction of Nordhausen took a long time during the 1950s and 1960s and was carried out in modern architectural style. Hôpital . Maj. James P. Hamill co-ordinated the rail transport of said equipment with the 144th Motor Vehicle Assembly Company, from Nordhausen to Erfurt (Operation Paperclip). Hier Dienstleistungen teilen, um schneller gefunden zu werden. The north-west of the territory is marked by the Kohnstein hill (335 m) and the north-east is the Rüdigsdorf Switzerland, a small area with a beautiful landscape up to 350 m of elevation around Rüdigsdorf district. Nevertheless, the local industry revived after the crisis. [4] From January 1945, sick and dying prisoners were interned at Boelcke Kaserne. This holiday home has a garden, barbecue facilities, free WiFi and free private parking. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 30 août 2020 à 08:19. Connexion. Kreisverkehr Str. After the German reunification of 1990, Nordhausen was made part of the recreated state of Thuringia. During the 16th century, Nordhausen succeeded to push back the influence of the Wettins and the Hohnstein counts by buying back their privileges over the city. d. Genossenschaften. It is the capital of the Nordhausen district and the urban centre of northern Thuringia and the southern Harz region; its population is 42,000. Nordhausen itself is first mentioned in a 13 May 927 document of King Henry the Fowler. Thüringer Allgemeine Nordhausen. A major shopping centre is the Südharz Galerie at Bahnhofstraße, and the Südharz Klinikum is one of the biggest hospitals in Thuringia. Due to its long-distance trade, Nordhausen was prosperous and influential, with a population of 8,000 around 1500. According to legend, they danced on their way to the pyre. Site web d’actualités. Due to the official atheism in former GDR, most of the population is non-religious. The city's independence was endangered by the ambitions of regional counts, especially by those of Hohnstein County (based in near Ilfeld), who extorted funds from Nordhausen during the 14th century. After the Brandenburg-Prussians had occupied Nordhausen between 1703 and 1714, the city got protection of Hanover resp. During recent years, the economic situation of the city improved somewhat: the unemployment rate in Nordhausen district declined from 24% in 2005 to 10% in 2013 with higher rates in the city than in the bordering rural municipalities. On April 3 and 4, 1945 three-quarters of Nordhausen was destroyed by bombing raids of the Royal Air Force, resulting in the deaths of around 8,800 people, including 1,300-1,500 sick prisoners at the Boelcke Kaserne barracks within Nordhausen.[5]. Un site de construction de missiles V2 est installé à proximité du camp de concentration de Dora. Ce service gratuit est offert en partenariat avec Booking. The B 4 (southern branch) and the B 243 shall be enlarged because of their importance as connections to and between Erfurt and Lower Saxony. The average change of population within the last years (2009–2012) was approximately -0.35% p. a, whereas the population in bordering rural regions is shrinking with accelerating tendency and the 2011 EU census led to a statistical amendment of –2,000 persons. Between them are some quarry ponds of former gravel mining near the Sundhausen and Bielen districts. Herzlich Willkommen auf der offiziellen Seite der Stadtverwaltung Nordhausen. Nordhausen am Südharz; Kultur in Nordhausen; Bausteine – Fahrten; Dampflok-Tour durch den Südharz; AGB Reiseanlässe; Downloads; Tourismus; Wandermöglichkeiten Nordhausen ; Kontakt Kontaktformular, Ansprechpartner. Nordhausen is located approximately 60 km (37 miles) north of Erfurt, 80 km (50 miles) west of Halle, 85 km (53 miles) south of Braunschweig and 60 km (37 miles) east of Göttingen. Site web d’actualités. Connexion. Like other eastern German cities, Nordhausen has only a small number of foreigners: circa 2.3% are non-Germans by citizenship and overall 4.6% are migrants (according to 2011 EU census). In Germany Nordhausen is a household name, mostly for the "Nordhäuser Doppelkorn" that has been produced here continuously since at least 1507, when the first mention of a tax on locally produced liquor was made. Profitant d'un emplacement de choix à Herzberg am Harz, ... Am Mühlgraben - am Ende der Sackgasse, Nordhausen, Thuringe. ou. Organisme gouvernemental. 4,5 k mentions J’aime. Environ 20 trains partent de Osterode am Harz Mitte et arrivent à Nordhausen chaque jour, et il est possible de trouver des billets à 13,60 € en réservant à l’avance. In 1882 it became an urban district (until 1950). Approximately 57% of the municipal territory is in agricultural use. The primary industry of Nordhausen is in the production of heavy machinery. Understand []. Later the region's plants produced truck motors, augers and excavators. Nordhausen's cityscape is marked by the near total destruction during the bombings in 1945, extinguishing most of the historic city centre. During the 19th and 20th century, the city enlarged to all directions, the worker's districts were built up in the west at Zorge valley and Salza and to the east around Förstemannstraße and Leimbacher Straße. The Electorate of Saxony, protecting power of Nordhausen gave hidden support to the Brandenburgs, so that Nordhausen tried to keep its independence through the protection by the Hanovers. L'itinéraire le plus rapide de Nordhausen à Osterode am Harz Mitte en bus est de 1 heure et 32 minutes. La ville est située sur les cuestas du Trias inférieur au sud du massif de Harz, à une altitude de 180 à 260 mètres. During the mid-19th century, industrialisation started in Nordhausen with production of chewing tobacco, alcoholic beverages, paper and textiles. The birth deficit was 266 in 2012, this is -6.3 per 1,000 inhabitants (Thuringian average: -4.5; national average: -2.4). NNZ-Online. The first freely elected mayor after German reunification was Barbara Rinke of the Social Democratic Party (SPD), who served from 1994 to 2012. Géographie. selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. Royaume de Prusse (Province de Saxe) 1815–1918 In May 1946 the Institute was subsumed into the new Institute Nordhausen, under an expanded programme of research across the Soviet occupation zone, including a new Institute Berlin. Royaume de Prusse 1802–1807 The former Bundesstraße 80 was annulled after the opening of the parallel Bundesautobahn 38 and the Bundesstraße 81 as a connection to Magdeburg starts a few kilometres north of the city at B 4. The city was within the Soviet zone of occupation, and later the territory was known as East Germany. Matthias Jendricke. Impressum Webcam Nordhausen Hesseröder Str. République démocratique allemande 1949–1990 Ferienhaus "karli" am Taucherparadies und Harz Tor. As the engineering industry developed after 1900, the city saw an economic heyday. This holiday home has a garden, barbecue facilities, free WiFi and free private parking. La ville possède un réseau de transports en commun composé tout d'abord de nombreuses lignes de bus, et de trois lignes de trammway, dont une en tram-train, qui dessert toutes les communes jusqu'à Ilfeld. On 18 July the Soviet administration created the Institute Rabe to develop Soviet rocket technology on the basis of the substantially more sophisticated V-2 rockets. It was administered within Bezirk Erfurt since 1952. Nordhausen was granted the privileges of a town around 1200, in 1198 it was first mentioned as a villa and in 1206, there was a mayor, a Vogt and citizens. Site web d’actualités . Stadtwerke Nordhausen. Today, there are regional express trains to Halle in the east and Kassel in the west as well as local trains to Halle, Heiligenstadt, Erfurt and Göttingen (via Northeim), running every one to two hours. In 1349, during a plague epidemic, some number of Jewish residents were killed by the citizenry with support from Frederick II, Margrave of Meissen. sponsored by For cycling, the long-distance Südharzroute trail network offers 10 trails in the region around Nordhausen. Nevertheless, the new town was legally incorporated in 1365. The university has 2,500 students. Sauvegarder l’hébergement Apartment-Hotel Zur Helme dans vos listes. As distinct from Mühlhausen and many other free imperial cities, Nordhausen did not own any territories or villages in the surrounding area. Nordhausen is the biggest city in a circuit of 60 km (37 mi), making it an important regional service hub for retail, medicine, education, government and culture (theatre, cinema etc.). The property includes a living room with a flat-screen TV. Nordhausen (Nordhouse en français) est une ville allemande, située dans le Land de Thuringe. Serviceportal Landkreis Nordhausen am Harz. 2.5 out of 5. It deported Jews to concentration and death camps. The Franks colonized the area around Nordhausen about 800, many place names here have a Frankish origin, discernible by the suffix -hausen (like Nordhausen itself, Sundhausen, Windehausen and the later abandoned settlement Stockhausen as well as the neighbouring cities of Mühlhausen, Sondershausen, Frankenhausen and Sangerhausen). Site web d’actualités. Ici, vous trouverez tous les autocars entre Osterode am Harz et Nordhausen. Saint-Empire (Ville libre) 1220-1802 Serviceportal Landkreis Nordhausen am Harz. On the other hand, the debts of the Hohnstein Counts were gigantic: they owed 86 citizens of Nordhausen 5744 Mark silver in 1370. Some areas were never built up again, for example those north and south of Kranichstraße and around Georgengasse. [6] Transplanted along with their equipment, many of the scientists and their families lived there until the early 1950s. They were prisoners of war and persons from occupied territories. Around 10,000 forced labourers were deployed in several factories within the city; up to 6,000 of them were interned at Boelcke Kaserne, working for a Junkers factory. zurück weiter. On 22 October 1946, under Operation Osoaviakhim, 10–15,000 German scientists, engineers and their families were deported to the Soviet Union, including around 300 from Nordhausen. [2][3], In 1500 it became part of the Lower Saxon Circle, and from around the same year the city began producing fermented grain liquor, which became famous under the name Nordhäuser Doppelkorn. Un bombardement aérien de l'USAF, le 4 avril 1945, rasa la plus grande partie de la ville, qui fut prise par des unités du 7e corps de la 1e Armée US le 11 avril. The municipal law of Nordhausen was similar to that of Mühlhausen, hence the Mühlhausen Book of Law was adopted in the mid-13th century. It was the third-largest city in Thuringia after Erfurt, today's capital, and Mühlhausen, the other free imperial city in the land. Trouvez des trains Nordhausen - Osterode am Harz Leege pas chers.  Royaume de Westphalie 1807–1813 Cet appart'hôtel de Herzberg am Harz se trouve à 38,8 km de Wurmberg ... Situé à 18,1 km de Nordhausen, Haus am See est l’un des appart’hôtels favoris des vacanciers. Société de médias/d’actualités. Cereals from the region are used in the making of a famous local spirit, the Nordhäuser Korn. The mansion district developed in the north around Stolberger Straße and in the south and west along the railways, the big industrial areas are located. During the 12th century, the old town was semi-planned and established around the new market place and St. Nicholas' Church. The Nordhausen tramway network forms an important part of the public transport system, established in 1900. Serviceportal Landkreis Nordhausen am Harz, Nordhausen. Plus tard. Nordhausen ( [ˈnɔʁtˌhaʊ̯zn̩]; auch Nordhausen am Harz; in nordthüringischer Mundart Nordhusen) ist eine Stadt im Landkreis Nordhausen und ehemalige Reichsstadt.Die Kreisstadt nimmt als Hochschulstandort sowie als nordthüringisches Kultur- und Industriezentrum den Status eines Mittelzentrums mit Teilfunktionen eines Oberzentrums ein. The Uprising of 1953 in East Germany found a centre in Nordhausen, because the living conditions within the destroyed city were still bad, and the people were exceedingly dissatisfied. Besides the parish churches, many monasteries were founded during the late Middle Ages in Nordhausen (Cistercians in Altnordhausen (Frauenberg, about 1200) and Altendorf (1294), Augustines where the Nordhäuser distillery is today (1312), Franciscans at Georgengasse (1230) and Dominicans at Predigerstraße (1287)). Retrouvez la distance de Nordhausen à Bad Lauterberg im Harz , le temps de trajet estimé avec l’impact du trafic routier en temps réel, ainsi que le coût de votre parcours (coûts des péages et coût du carburant). Since 2000 the economy is growing again, with the unemployment rate decreasing and Nordhausen consolidated as the urban centre of northern Thuringia. and joined the Hanseatic League together with them in 1430. République de Weimar 1918–1933 Créer un compte. Serviceportal Landkreis Nordhausen am Harz. The 1000 year old town of Nordhausen is located on the sunny southern side of the Harz and forms the gateway to the Thuringia Harz. The city wall was built between 13th and 15th century and remained in big parts (in the north, south-west and south-east). En moyenne, en semaine, il y a 17 trains Nordhausen — Osterode am Harz Mitte par jour. ViaMichelin vous propose de calculer votre itinéraire Nordhausen à Bad Lauterberg im Harz en voiture ou en moto. Nordhausen was once known for its tobacco industry and is still known for its distilled spirit, Nordhäuser Doppelkorn. Furthermore, there are important secondary roads to Heringen in the south-east and to Buchholz in the north-east. Further alliances were concluded with Goslar, Halberstadt, Quedlinburg and Aschersleben to represent urban interests against the landlords. Boîte de nuit. Nordhausen abuts the following municipalities: Ellrich, Harztor, Harzungen, Neustadt, Buchholz and Herrmannsacker in the north, Südharz and Urbach in the east, Heringen and Kleinfurra in the south and Werther in the west. Comparez les horaires et tarifs de nombreux opérateurs et réservez votre billet au meilleur prix. Following the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte, Nordhausen was included in the Kingdom of Prussia's Province of Saxony created in 1816. Industrialization accompanied railway construction that linked the cities to major markets in the mid-19th century. Over its period of operation, around 60,000 inmates passed through Dora and its system of subcamps, of whom around 20,000 died from bad working conditions, starvation, and diseases, or were murdered. The Landesgartenschau (Land's horticultural exhibition) in 2004 was an impetus to further urban development. In 1523, a year in which Thomas Müntzer spent some time in the city, the Protestant Reformation came to Nordhausen, which was one of the first cities that adopted the new doctrine. La ville est située sur les cuestas du Trias inférieur au sud du massif de Harz, à une altitude de 180 à 260 mètres. La ville devient le centre allemand de production du tabac à mâcher. It imposed discrimination against Jews, with increasing restrictions and violence such as Kristallnacht in 1938, when businesses and synagogues were destroyed. En moyenne, la durée d'un trajet en bus est de 1 heure et 32 minutes pour se rendre de Nordhausen à Osterode am Harz Mitte. NNZ-Online. Jugendclubhaus Nordhausen. In the late 19th century, narrow-gauge railways were constructed linking Nordhausen and other cities through the Harz mountains, operating by 1899. Pour réserver votre séjour à Osterode am Harz ou simplement pour faire une étape sur votre itinéraire Nordhausen - Osterode am Harz, vous avez la possibilité de réserver votre chambre dans l’hébergement de votre choix (hôtel, gîte, &B, camping, appartement). Serviceportal Landkreis Nordhausen am Harz, Nordhausen, Germany. Die Kreisstadt 99734 Nordhausen befindet sich im Norden von #Thüringen an der Grenze zu #Niedersachsen und Sachsen-A... #Nordhausen am #Harz kl. 79 were here. Today, engineering is still the most important industrial branch of Nordhausen, although many factories have had to close following the reunification of Germany in 1990. It is the site of the Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschule Nordhausen), founded in 1997 after the reunification of Germany. The Zorge river crosses the city from northwest to southeast and the bigger Helme river runs in west-eastern direction at the southern border of the municipality. Site web d’actualités. Matthias Jendricke. Jugendclubhaus Nordhausen. On 11 April 1945, United States troops occupied the town, and on 2 July the Red Army of the Soviet Union took over. Service local. This holiday home has a garden, barbecue facilities, free WiFi and free private parking. Nevertheless, Industrialization started in the 1860s, as Nordhausen got connected to the railway and the population grew to 26,000 and 33,000 in 1910, which was a smaller growth than in other cities of comparable size during that period of rapid urbanisation in Germany. 27 Rinnestraße, Nordhausen, Nordhausen . To the north, the terrain is getting more hilly and part of a karst area south to the Harz mountains. In the early 13th century, it became a free imperial city, so that it was an independent and republican self-ruled member of the Holy Roman Empire. Hier … Today's city wall was established between 1290 and 1330 and cut the old town off from Altendorf in the north-west, the new town in the west and Altnordhausen in the south. Nordhausen station is the main station, a second one is Nordhausen-Salza on the South Harz line. The region had a factory for the production of rail engines until 1942. Industry developed and expanded during the following decades. 5,1 k mentions J’aime. Voir plus de contenu de Serviceportal Landkreis Nordhausen am Harz sur Facebook. During World War II, the Nazi German government established and operated the nearby KZ Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp, where 60,000 forced labourers had to work in the arms industry. In 1306, Nordhausen allied with the two other major Thuringian cities Erfurt and Mühlhausen against the Wettins and the local counts (Hohnstein, Stolberg, Schwarzburg, Beichlingen etc.) Most of the municipal territory is in agricultural use. In 1897, the narrow-gauge Trans-Harz Railway followed as the last one. Personnalité politique. There were four historic city parts before: the old town within the city wall on a hill east of the Zorge valley, the new town within the valley between the river in the west, the city wall in the east, Hohensteinerstraße in the north and Vor dem Vogel street in the south, the Altendorf suburbium in the north-west around Altendorf and Am Alten Tor street and the Altnordhausen suburbium in the south-east around St. Mary's Church on the hill. The 1990s brought an economic crisis with high unemployment rates, and many uncompetitive communist-era factories had to close. La durée moyenne d'un train Nordhausen — Osterode am Harz Mitte est de 1 heure et 31 minutes. The village Salza in the north-west is grown together with Nordhausen since the 20th century. Historically, sulfuric acid produced by the distillation of green vitriol (iron(II) sulfate) was known as Nordhausen oil of vitriol. Only the Soviet army could defeat the uprising. England, which paid 50,000 Talers to the Prussians to leave Nordhausen, which was moreover destroyed by two town fires in 1710 and 1712. The forests are located first between the city centre in the south and Rüdigsdorf in the north (with interruptions), second at Kohnstein hill and third in the east around Rodishain and Stempeda.

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