Weather in Thassos. In Spring it is still quiet and wild flower blossom everywhere. After a short 15 minute bus ride to the port you get on a ferry to Thassos. Find out more about hotels (thassos-hotels) , rooms (thassos-rooms) , studios (thassos-studios) , villas (thassos-villas) and apartments (thassos-apartments) . The webcam's home... a breath-taking place to experience a relaxing Greek island holiday. Enjoy your holidays in one of the accommodation below. Weather forecast Thassos-Stad (Limenas) this week. Limenas, Villages of Thasos In the 19thcentury, it was inhabited by dwellers of Panagia for a second time and by refugees from Asia Minor and Thrace. Live streaming from the roof of Hotel Angelica Golden Beach. Located in Limenas, a 2-minute walk from Papias Beach and 1,200 feet from Tarsanas Beach, Iliomagic Luxury Suites Thassos has accommodations with free WiFi, air conditioning, a seasonal outdoor swimming pool and a shared lounge. Here you will find the 14 day weather forecast for Thassos-Stad (Limenas). Large parts of the island, which abounds in water, are covered with trees. Das 14-Tage-Wetter für die Region Thassos von Walking on Thassos. Travelogue hiking vacation Thassos, Greece. We invite you to discover Thassos on our street view map — you just need to scroll down the page to start your journey. We stayed at the "Finikas Studios" in Thassos Town (Thassos Town is often referred to locally as Limenas). Enjoy a 25-minute tour of Golden Beach every day at 8:35, 10:35, 12:35, 14:35, 16:35, and 18:35. on Thassos The Live Webcam's Location. Accommodation in Thassos Golden Beach The famous Golden beach in Thassos is one of the most beautiful and the biggest shore in the east of the island. The island of Thassos in the North Aegean Sea is hilly; its highest peak reaches 1203 meter (3600 feet). Böen können Geschwindigkeiten zwischen 10 und 12 km/h erreichen. It can however feel a little hotter during peak months as the Greek mainland shelters the island from the cooling effects of seasonal winds. Live Webcam at Golden Beach, Thassos . The best (and only) way to approach the island and very relaxing, as your luggage is still being transported by lorry so you don't have to lug it around. Enjoy stunning views of the old harbour of Thassos town by viewing the live webcam. In Liménas gibt es bis zum Nachmittag eine Mischung aus Sonne und Wolken bei Werten von 10 bis zu 14°C. Wenige Inseln der Ägäis dürfen sich grün nennen – Thassos schon. Selbst wenn zahlreiche Waldbrände in jüngster Vergangenheit das Erscheinungsbild dramatisch verändert haben – kalabrische Kiefer, Olivenhaine, echte Ölbäume, Macchienbewuchs, Farne, Erdbeerbaum oder Edelkastanie sind nur wenige der Pflanzen, die der Insel einen Anstrich geben und hier heimisch sind. Along the coast one finds deep canyons with small, quiet bays. Answer 1 of 22: Have booked to go to Thassos on 20th July but have just been reading TA report that said it can rain in the evenings & there are normally lots of mossies. In der Nacht ist es wolkenlos bei Tiefstwerten von 11°C. Island View Villa. Das Wetter in Liménas 19.12.2020. Thassos Live Webcam! Travel story with 22 photos. Nowadays, Thassos, which is also known as Limenas, comprises the capital and the administration centre of the whole island. Abends gibt es in Liménas keine Wolken bei Werten von 10°C. Potos, a village and beach resort on the southern side of the Greek island of Thassos, is the star of this live moving webcam, which shows its lovely seaside and beaches, including Potos beach and harbour. It is situated just 12 kilometres from the coast of Macedonia and broadly follows a typical Balkan climate.Summers are fine, sunny and dry but are cooler than the Cyclade group of islands and winters milder and wetter.

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