WU’s new state-of-the-art facilities and technology offer students plenty of space for learning and living. These short academic programs take place at WU from July 5 – 23, 2021, and July 26 - August 13, 2021. Our social events help us build an active and international IT community 9 were here. Summer Programs » Academic Year Abroad » Academic Semester Abroad » Teacher and Student Group Programs... are some of the programs available for High School Students. Buddy Network: The Austrian Students’ Union (ÖH) at WU help exchange students find a “buddy” – a WU Before the semester: WU offers an optional pre-semester German language course during the Orientation and Cultural Program three weeks prior to the start of the semester. Mingle Fund aims at encouraging interaction among local, international and incoming exchange students of Wu Yee Sun College. The InfSysNetwork is the study association of the MSc in Information Systems at WU Vienna. This is the official Facebook page of WU's International Office! Studying at WU was very different from my business courses at UF. It's my 6 months journey. Around 1,100 WU students had the opportunity to gain international experience during an exchange semester or Summer University Program in 2016. Program Dates • Fall Semester: Mid-September - end of January* (including the pre-semester German language course) *Most of WU's fall semester classes do not end until late January. WU Events. All three of my courses were in English, class sizes ranged from 20-40 students and were a mix of Austrian, German, and Exchange students. THE EXCHANGE is a series of evening events, held weekly, featuring guest presentations, performances, activities, and great food. * Overall educational experience Academic rigor, intensity, resources, etc. 09 Dez ... “ Those were my thoughts right before boarding the plane to go on my Erasmus+ exchange semester in Uppsala, Sweden. The university has a network of about 230 partner universities all over the world, and with regard to student exchange ranks among the leading universities of the world. The fall semester starts in September and ends in December and the spring semester starts in January and ends in June. Undergraduate Research Fellowship Programme. WU Wien wu wien. Hier findet ihr eine Reihe an Blogbeiträgen von Studierenden, ForscherInnen, Lehrenden, Alumni und MitarbeiterInnen - mach mit! Depending on the language of instruction (English or ... Study for a semester or summer at one of Asia's most prestigious universities. Beginning in 2010/11, the Fall continental seminar is held in Europe, usually in late September or early October. Semester 1 2020 - one scholarship may be available for 4 months (850 EUR / month) plus travel grant of 1500 EUR / person. The new campus is an innovative space with an inviting, park-like atmosphere. i joined both, only to meet people bc i havent heard much good things abt them haha but tbh it was a waste of time and money. The WU International Office provides a pre-semester orientation specially designed for its exchange students. Wageningen University intends to restart inbound and outbound international study exchange programmes in the upcoming Semester 2 (Spring) 2020/2021 (January-July 2021) with European partners. Students About the New Semester. CETL. Over 1,200 incoming exchange students came to WU from partner institutions. The orientation program includes helpful sessions designed to acquaint students with the university and city, plus a cultural program with sightseeing opportunities and field trips. Little did I know. pretty cool campus. Semester break February 3, 2020 – March 1, 2020 Summer semester 2020 Welcome Sessions (mandatory attendance) ... WU only accepts exchange students nominated by their home universities. Exchange semester WU (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien) WU (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien) ... International Management / CEMS Student at WU Vienna & GSOM St. Petersburg Vienna. Incoming exchange students will not only have the opportunity to interact with the many exchange students at WU each semester, but also the local students. ... about one quarter of whom are international students. Another point of attention is the exchange duration. Exchange Semester For exchange students coming to WU for a semester or longer, WU’s acade-mic portfolio offers a wide range of programs and specializations in busi-ness, economics and law at the under-graduate and graduate levels. Before the semester: WU offers an optional pre-semester German language course during the Orientation and Cultural Program three weeks prior to the start of the semester. WU only accepts exchange students nominated by its partner universities. The home university exchange coordinator is responsible for nominating students provide students the opportunity to study in more than 30 countries of the world. You must undertake your exchange in Semester 1 2020. The international EQUIS accreditation guarantees highest academic standards at WU. Get in touch before the semester starts and answer the questions that come up; Airport pick up of your exchange student; Dorm key pick up in case your exchange student arrives outside of office hours; Administrative tasks (organize public transport ticket, registration with the city, payment of ÖH fee) Outbound students will only be allowed to travel to low-risk destinations in Europe. WU only accepts exchange students nominated by their home universities. As an EBN Friends Card member you’ll get many discounts and advantages, such as a free HoT sim card with a cheap phone plan or a reduction of €20,- for each of our trips. As an alternative to a full exchange semester, WU offers intensive three-week programs. WU Exchange Program Website Academic Advising. To participate, students need to apply by May 15 for the winter semester and by November 15 for the summer semester… About the New Semester. Had 4 courses. The home university exchange coordinator is asked to nominate the students online and forward Nomination Letters to the nominated exchange students, including their WU student ID numbers and passwords. Services for Exchange Students. The School of Journalism and Communication offers a student exchange programme with School of International Liberal Studies, Waseda University (WU), Japan, in the academic year of 2021-2022. Courses in English ~150/semester WU is a member of the following programs and networks: CiCs. The application period for WU’s Master’s Program on the Digital Economy starts on Sept.1, 2020. Assessment. To be considered for the scholarship, you will need to have applied for the exchange programme and have been approved and nominated by UC to participate in an exchange to WU. WU also offers German courses for students who would like to improve their language skills. Even though I was excited, I couldn’t help but feel a little bitter about leaving my safe environment behind. Enjoyed 3 seasons (winter-spring-summer). Tuition is very affordable for EU and non-EU students, at 363.36 euros and 726.72 euros per semester … Captured 110 GB pictures and … Lived with 4 different flatmates. If you wish to apply for the program, please contact the division dealing with international affairs at your home university. You will begin to study at NWU from April 1st or October 1st. Academic advisors support students in selecting appropriate courses and give advice on relevant academic matters. These short academic programs take place at WU from July 5 – 23, 2021, and July 26 - August 13, 2021. The Fund mainly supports daily and social activities with the participation of Both local students And international / incoming exchange students (i.e. Students can attend two to three business courses on graduate or undergraduate level. Herzlich willkommen auf dem WU-Blog! To participate, students need to apply by May 15 for the winter semester and by November 15 for the summer semester… SASME also organises a number of events for exchange students during the academic year, such as a Christmas party, cultural excursions, etc. WU has long focused on international relations and services for the incoming international students. The exchange model provides an enriching cultural experience and is highly recommended for students who are prepared to engage independently in their host institution abroad. Incoming students can choose from around 150 courses taught in English each semes-ter. For each WU partner university, a specific WU faculty member acts as an academic advisor. T WU Student Exchange. In addition, WU also welcomes HKU Online Learning & MOOCs. Being an exchange student is a very rewarding experience, and often a life-changing one. As part of its role, it organises a welcome day before the start of each semester, specifically aimed at exchange students, to give them as much information about the University of Lausanne as possible. e-learning Blog. WU attaches great importance to an international orientation. At WU however, the semester starts and ends one month later; October till January and February till July. If your home university has concluded a student exchange program agreement with Nara Women's University, you are eligible to study or research at NWU for up to one year. URFP. you can skip them completely and you’ll still make friends eventually. We connect our students and alumni to top employers in the field of information systems through our business events. Most universities have the same division as the Erasmus University has. the exchange committee will offer you the orientation programme (€250) and the intensive german course (€400). Cultural Program and the pre-semester German language course will be sent out after May 1/November 1. During an exchange semester or year at WU, students can choose from a broad academic portfolio in business, economics, and law at the undergradu-ate and graduate levels with many courses taught in English. Teaching Exchange Fellowship Scheme; ... Wu Zhi Qiao/Bridge to China. The staggered exchange provides an opportunity for all NEURUS Exchange Fellows in a given academic year to meet for a 2.5 day seminar each semester, together with advising NEURUS faculty, to discuss projects and solicit feedback. Florentin Garstenauer. Staff. Under the Programme, the School will select up to two undergraduate students to WU for exchange of one academic year or one semester. Online nomination system: The EBN Friends Card is the tool for a perfect start into your exchange semester in Vienna. WU’s brand new campus, which opened its doors to students Fall 2013, was designed by six internationally renowned architects. All courses are taught in As an alternative to a full exchange semester, WU offers intensive three-week programs.

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